YAGA of the week

Meet Aziz Tanko Nuhu



Aziz Tanko Nuhu is an architectural student, award-winning photographer, entrepreneur, blogger and basketball player. Our legend was born and bred in Takoradi in the Western part of Ghana. He is loved by all for his amicability and selflessness.

This is a man of multiple talents engrossed in philanthropy and general outreach to the young and needy. He is the CEO of Young and Gifted Africans Russia (YAGA Russia), and currently runs a care program called YAGA Cares whose main aim is to bring kids who are intellectually good but needy, material support back to school, and putting smiles on their faces. Recently, he provided items to help and empower the Islamic communities that were badly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and also seek to cause societal change through education and youth empowerment.

There’s no limit to the achievements of this young man. There’s already a vision of the great things he’s yet to achieve

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